
Meet Acronym’s Mike Levin

SEO Director


When did you join Acronym?

I started on December 1 of 2015

Where were you previously, what was your title and what clients did you work with?

I was Director of Flying Point Digital for about a year after having spent six years at 360i, where I was Director of SEO Strategy and worked on such accounts as Apple, H&R Block, JCPenney and Kraft.

What do you do for Acronym and which clients do you work for?

I’m the SEO Director and I work with our global client SAP.

If you had to cite the most impactful change affecting the SEO business that Google has made over the past 12 months, what would that be?

The ever-increasing prevalence of Quick Answers and mobile friendliness as an important quality signal.

What are the lingering effects of these changes and how has Acronym helped its clients adjust to them?

There is more urgency to offer “objective” FAQ-like pages on topics where our clients want to compete on Quick Answers, along with incorporating details surrounding Quick Answers into reporting. As well, there is the need to retire any remaining mobile-only sites in favor of well-implemented Responsive Designs. We are proponents of a “natural canonicalization” ideal for sites that can be pursued, wherein clients can have the one, true, best page on each topic on their site that can target all platforms.

What do you consider the most interesting aspect of search marketing overall and the current state of the business?

The Battle of the Platforms, as in Desktop vs. Phones vs. Tablets, and the move from clean divisions to more of a full spectrum; the maturing of the respective platforms; the different “Intelligent Agent” on each (Cortana, Echo, Siri, Now); the constant changes in how search works and the basic expectations and premises that are gradually shifting;

increased use of machine learning and the dialing-down of the impact of PageRank and the traditional crawl/index model; and increased inclusion of “apps” (and ability to use them) directly from search.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?Summer weekends in the Catskills area of New York State with the family, enjoying an apartment full of pets and reading and/or programming Python.


The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?