When did you join Acronym?

I joined the Acronym Team in July 2005!

What is your title at Acronym and which Clients do you work for?

I am the Director of Product Development, and I work with KO clients.

What are your specific responsibilities?

My responsibilities include KO onboards and integration, feature scoping, data visualization, algorithm development and modeling, anything Excel automation related, and general data wizardry.

What do you consider the most interesting things you do at work?

The shrinking of my to-do list is probably the most satisfying aspect of my work on a given day, and solving a tedious problem with automation is even better.

What do you like to do best when you are not working?

I enjoy spending time with my young family, making spreadsheets, surfing, fixing things, dreaming about tacos and burritos, and appreciating the electric guitar mastery of J Mascis!

You are going on vacation to a place where there is no Internet connection. What book or magazine would you bring with you?

The Making of the Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes. It’s a Pulitzer winner and is definitely the best book I’ve read. (I read a lot – read about 10 books on the history of nuclear science specifically). It’s got chemistry, war, scientists, physics, secrets, espionage, politics, personalities – you should probably just go ahead and get a copy!


The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?