Inside Acronym

Inside Acronym

By February 1, 2018No Comments

Meet Acronym’s Ryan Pitcharelle

Vice President of the Digital Center for Excellence

How long have you worked here? 

7 years (with a 1 year sabbatical in the middle)

What brought you to Acronym? 


What do you love most about search marketing? Why? 

The impact. I love to see levers I pull result in changes the world can see.

What acronym do you use the most IRL?


What’s your favorite clock in the office? Why?

I like the global time zone clocks in the front because it reminds me we are bigger than just the U.S.

Orange is a big part of Acronym’s brand identity – what does the color mean to you? 

Means teamwork to me.

Other than the view, what’s the best part of working in the Empire State Building? 

Centrally located and the office location validates my work.

Anton’s favorite movie is Auntie Mame – what’s yours? 

I really like Clueless and a Bronx Tale.

Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri or Cortana? Why? 

Google Now on my phone and Alexa at home. Alexa plays better music but Google knows me best.

What’s something most of our colleagues don’t know about you already? 

I love horseracing and my next career endeavor will include that as a focal point.

The hero image is not attention-grabbing enough. The color and imagery is a bit dull. Could we have something more dynamic? Either something that reads “digital marketing” or a workplace image with people in a creative meeting?